Monday, November 14, 2005


I thought on my way home from writing yesterday and came up with an idea that I can't believe I hadn't thought of before. It solves almost all my problems, and I thought of a new good element, to boot. So I think I'm energized again, and I hope that this is the kick that I needed, my second wind, to enjoy my novel again. Because it was getting rote. I think I'm ready to have fun again. What will I do with the last 10,000 words that haven't been much fun? Well, maybe they can still be heartfelt. I'm going to be short on time this week, so it's good that I've gotten way ahead, and since my average is above 2000 words, even if I were to fall behind the 1667 words/day pace, I could catch up. So I'll hit 50k, that was really never in question, but will I finish and will I like it. Shout out to kudos.


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