Sunday, November 29, 2009


I finished the novel for this year, only learning in the last 4000 words what exactly this particular novel is about. Although it fits into the series of 6 books, it didn't have enough dramatic conflict to stand alone. So I'll likely have to go back and rewrite and write in details in the beginning to draw out the conflict, which is there, but rarely alluded to. I don't think as a writer you want to keep the dramatic conflict a secret from your reader. I don't know where I learned that.

I noticed in January 2008 I made a public declaration to finish a novel, which I then forgot about. Reading it made me remember that I made a similar declaration a couple months ago, but I had forgotten about that, too. I'm bad at this.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I was talking to my Nano writing buddy who talked about how all these things in his life are appearing in his novel, and I concur. I finished reading The Lovely Bones, and although the plots are completely different, there are similar elements that appear unintentionally.

It also seems like any news story I hear is fodder for the novel, and that's intentional. A study is released showing some aspect of human psychology? I could write about that. What's This American Life about this week? I'll incorporate it into the novel.

I know where I'm going now, but how do I get there? I need filler, and these things fresh in my mind are providing that.

Also, reading another novel with effortless prose that contrasts nicely with my utilitarian words put in order to say something happened isn't exactly uplifting.