Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Back on the horse.

I opened up my project last night, and decided that I don't have an ending and I don't have much control over my ending. So rather than be paralyzed by the inability to end the story, accentuated by my loss of familiarity with it in setting it aside for a month, I'm going to edit and hope the ending comes to me. Yup, that's the plan. I was re-reading a few chapters before I abandoned the ending and said, "This is good." Because, of course, there are clever parts I don't remember writing.

Monday, January 03, 2005

It's been a month, and...

My plan was to finish the novel in the beginning of December, then take time off for the holidays and spend January editing. Uh, no. The loss of my computer functionality was a blow, and I haven't finished the narrative yet. Thanks for stopping by, and I'm reading in the meantime.