Saturday, October 30, 2004

Practicality rears its ugly head.

Q: Would you say you have a plethora of good ideas?
A: I don't think so. My really good idea isn't substantial enough to carry any sort of plot, and while I think plot is overrated, probably I might want to have one in my first attempt at a novel, haphazard as it may be.

Q: So, what's the problem?
A: There are a lot of good stories to tell about online dating misadventures, but they don't really go anywhere, unless it leads to meeting the right person who you commit to, but I don't see that as very interesting, and it certainly doesn't seem easy to write about. So I'm going to combine some other elements and decrease the importance of that aspect. So I guess overall it's progress, although it seems like I have less than I did yesterday, it's just that yesterday's substance to my idea was an ILLUSION.

"nothing left for me to do but dance!"


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